Monday it was kind of storm-y and cloudy and sprinkled off and on, so we all just kind of hung out for most of the day. In the afternoon, we went exploring to Corolla and found our turtle pond from last year. (Pictures at the end.) We then continued on to the Timbuck II shopping plaza, but most of the stores were closed (even though the site said they were open till 9). There were a few souvenir shops open, though, so we perused for awhile and Brian got a pair of Crocs. lol
Today was hot and sunny and perfect beach weather... until we got to the beach. The sand was so hot, it practically melted your shoes off your feet, but the water was FREEZING. There were only two crazy-ass people in the water as far as we could see. We stood there for awhile, though, because a pod of dolphins made an appearance. They were super close to the shore, too. Like... if the water hadn't been cold enough to cause hypothermia, we probably could have ridden them. So after the dolphins got boring, we came back and hung out at the pool and I worked on my sunburn. Later tonight, we went wine tasting at Native Vine. It was complimentary with out vacation package, and it was pretty excellent. The lady who hosted the tasting was really cool, and we tasted some really excellent juice. Afterwards, we had some of Marcy's amazing mac & cheese, TJ's wings, and Vern's green bean casserole for supper.
After supper, we started to watch some of TJ's movies. Limitless was pretty good, but I only watched about half of it, off and on. I'll have to re-watch later. Then he put in Drive Angry. It. was. hilarious. We made a drinking game to it. After that came Hobo with a Shotgun. We watched about 10 minutes before we decided it's the worst movie ever made. At this point, they decided to put in The L-Word, so Marcy and I went down to the beach to look for crabs. We saw TONS. They ranged from baseball-sized to dime-sized. Once we realized we were far outnumbered, and they could probably kill us if they wanted to, we headed back. We came across a crab on the road on the way back to our house, which was rather surprising.
Now most of the group is still watching The L-Word, Marcy and I are having a computer party, and Vern has been in bed for hours, I believe. lol I think I'm headed to bed soon, but first, here are some turtle pond pics, as promised.
Hahahaha. I like the last picture.