Not to psych 101 myself, but I think I'm just in denial that it's almost mid-December. That means I've been largely unemployed and living at home for over 4 months now. Oof. I kind of took a break from sending out applications and resumes for awhile, mostly out of frustration... a little out of laziness. I'm back at it now, and have high hopes that I might be able to start somewhere full-time and find my own place not too far into the new year. In the meantime, I will try to get more into the Christmas spirit.
I'm totally going to post a recipe since that's pretty much what I do with my blog nowadays, but before I do, I have to point out some changes to the page layout. Over on the side, I made a list of past recipes that I've posted. I decided to do that instead of the list of labels. The labels were just clunky and messy. Plus, this way it's kind of like my own little cookbook. Whenever you want to make something that I've made and posted about, you can just scroll down to the little recipe index and find it! I've also added the option to follow my blog by e-mail. Over there under my "about me" section... see it? Good. You can sign up for an e-mail notification whenever I post something new!
Now onto what I really wanted to talk about. Harry Potter. Well, kind of. I made "Butterbeer Cupcakes". I got the recipe from The Pastry Affair. She actually did a whole series of Harry Potter desserts. The cupcakes were delicious and extremely butterscotch-y. They take awhile to make since there are several components, but they're pretty easy and totally gratifying.
I won't re-post the recipe here since it would take forever to re-type, and I don't want to copy and paste because plagiarism is wrong. :-P
You can get the recipe on her site, here. Check out her other Harry Potter desserts and treats, too!
Maybe that's why I liked the brownies more. I'm not a huge fan of butterscotch. That being said, I don't care to discourage people from making them... they were still quite good.