Monday, October 18, 2010


So. It's been difficult to put into action many of the self-improvement plans that I've made in my previous posts. At first I felt like I've been failing, but I realized that I just need to reevaluate my plans of action. I still intend to make all of the improvements, but maybe not in the same way that I've mentioned. I haven't failed yet, just suffered some setbacks. The basic things that I would like to improve upon are:

1) My Health
2) My Appearance
3) My Home
4) My Social Life
5) My Interaction with Others
6) My Self Discipline
7) My Fiscal Situation

I think anything that I've mentioned falls into one of those categories, and there's more that I haven't mentioned yet that will fall into one of them.

Some of the plans that I've made just aren't working. The whole hour-by-hour schedule thing probably won't work out. Today, I ended up working 2 hours longer than I expected, so that schedule went out the door. Tomorrow, I have to work from 8AM to probably something like 4AM the next morning, so a schedule would be moot. I'm thinking maybe just a general schedule or To Do list would work better for me. Like, chores that I have to get done every week, how many workouts a week to do, etc.

I'm also reconsidering the whole gym thing. While I would like to get back into yoga/pilates, I would like to get more and different kinds of exercise than just that. A gym membership would let me get more cardio and strength training. I'll just try to go at odd hours when they're not so busy; and the campus gym comes out to something like $15/month for employees, so it's affordable. I just feel like the more resources at my disposal, the better I'll do. I'm even considering trying to fit my eliptical in my car to bring back after Christmas break!

Other than those couple of things, I think my plans are going well. I'm trying to go to bed at decent hours, so I get up at a decent hour and not sleep all day. I'm trying to cut out fast and junk foods. I'm using up the stuff in my fridge so I can start my cleanse without letting the food I have go to waste. I still plan to make all of the improvements to my house. Basically, I'm making little changes, and waiting until I'm at a good point to make the big ones. My goal is by the end of my time in South Carolina, I can look back at all the changes I've made and be proud.

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